研究表明,個人生活中40%以上的選擇和決策源於個人的生活態度和習慣。 湯姆˙柯利在《習慣致富:成為有錢人,你不需要富爸爸,只需要富習慣》一書中指出,富人與一般人在金錢觀念上有明顯差異,例如對投資的態度、對工作的目的、對改變的接受程度等。
For five years, Tom studied the daily activities of 233 wealthy people and 128 people living in poverty. He discovered there is a difference the size of the Grand Canyon between the daily habits of the wealthy and the poor. During his research he identified over 200 daily activities that separated the “haves” from the “have nots”. The culmination of his research can be found in his #1 bestselling book, Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals .(資料來源 )
富人之所以愈來愈富,除了努力工作外,更重要的是他們具備富習慣。 這些富習慣包括理財、投資、對待改變的態度等方面,使得他們能夠更好地掌握財富成長的機會,進而不斷累積財富。
湯姆˙柯利認為,智慧是財富的重要組成部分。 富人之所以能夠愈來愈富,很大程度上是因為他們具備了正確的知識和智慧,能夠正確地運用金錢,從而實現財富的成長。
Tom Corley understands the difference between being rich and poor. At age 9 his family went from being multimillionaires to broke in just one night. He understands the challenges adversity can present but is here to share the good news that we have more control over our luck than we may think!(資料來源 )
線上娛樂城提供了豐富多彩的遊戲和優惠活動,為人們賺錢提供了新的途徑。 透過掌握遊戲技巧,玩家可以在線上娛樂城中實現財富夢想,從而擺脫貧窮,走向財富。而在這個充滿可能的時代,跟著致富娛樂城搭上成功之梯,打開財富之門,成就屬於您的璀璨未來。
財富並非來自於偶然,而是來自於正確的思考、行為和知識。 只有培養正確的富習慣,不斷學習進步,才能走向財富之路。 透過抓住機遇,利用線上娛樂城的平台,我們可以實現財富夢想,過著富裕而幸福的生活。